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Spontaneous Carotid Dissection Manifested by Aphasia
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Carotid Dissection
Cerebral Infarction


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Spontaneous Carotid Dissection Manifested by Aphasia. Rev Med Clin [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];6(2):e01062206011. Available from:


Introduction: Carotid arterial dissection (DAC) represents the rupture of the intimate wall of the artery forming an intramural hematoma, which causes stenosis of its vascular lumen, it is associated with 45\% of cerebral infarction cases in children under 45 years of age. Case Report: A 46-year-old male with an hour-long symptomatology characterized by dizziness and aphasia. The exploration without focalization data, with global aphasia, with normal vital signs, for which a diagnosis of probable cerebral infarction in evolution in the territory of the left midbrain is made, angio-magnetic resonance is performed, finding aortic dissection of left internal carotid artery. ; An intravascular procedure with stent placement was performed. With recovery ad integrum of language. Conclusion: Spontaneous carotid artery dissection requires a high index of suspicion because its symptoms can be highly variable.

PDF Reporte de Caso (Spanish)


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