Official scientific distribution organ of Instituto Panvascular de Occidente
The Eight-and-a-half Plus Syndrome, Case Report and Literature Review
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Cerebrovascular diseases
Ischemic Stroke
Brain Stem Stroke


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The Eight-and-a-half Plus Syndrome, Case Report and Literature Review. Rev Med Clin [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 15 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];6(2):e140622013. Available from:


Introduction: Cerebral vascular disease is one of the diseases of important prevalence in our country, this as a consequence of all the cultural factors that contribute to increase the cardiovascular risk in our population, reason why it is important to know how to identify and differentiate stroke mimics, It is interesting to go into the clinical presentation of brain stem syndromes and in which the florid neurological examination that some can present giving us an idea of the anatomical sites that received the greatest affectation, remembering that it is an important cause of death and cause of disability at present. Case Report: We present a case report of eight-and-a-half plus syndrome, a rare pathology with an unusual expression and review of the literature. There are no studies reporting the incidence of this syndrome in Mexico, which may reflect a lack of knowledge and underdiagnosis in our country. Discussion: The eight and a half syndrome are a rare entity of recent description, being a tegmental pontine syndrome that is formed by the presence of the one and a half syndrome plus the presentation of paralysis of the seventh cranial nerve.

PDF Reporte de Caso (Spanish)


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